PremiumAssist Members' Frequently Asked Questions

Who is PremiumAssist? What do you do for me?
PremiumAssist is hired to help you apply for the Medicaid or Medicare Savings Program. We are a complimentary service provided by your health plan. In fact, we work with health plans all over the country. Our job is to act on your behalf to make the application process go as smoothly as possible for you. We will work hard to help you get the benefits to which you are entitled.

Is this charity or welfare?
Even though Congress makes Medicare Savings Programs available based on income and asset limits, it is definitely not charity. The programs are run by the Medical Assistance Programs in your state.

Although this is not full Medicaid, the application will be processed through your local Medicaid office.

Many people also have concerns regarding estate recovery. Although most states do not practice estate recovery, each state differs. Please contact your eligibility specialist for details about your state.

What are Medicare Savings Programs?
Many people have never heard of Medicare Savings Programs. Although the government does not advertise them, Congress established Medicare Savings Programs in 1988 to provide additional financial assistance to people who need it most. This program may also help with your Medicare deductibles and co-insurance.

If your application is approved, your state will pay some or all of the monthly Medicare Part B premium for you. This means that the amount you receive in Social Security will increase. You can use the extra money for anything you wish!

This process looks complex. How does it work?
PremiumAssist will help you complete the application. We will assist with gathering any documents you may not be able to obtain, and we will answer all your questions along the way. Your county and state will be making the final decision on the application, because this is a government program.

Why do I have to give you my personal information?
We only ask for what is absolutely necessary to determine your potential eligibility. We’re simply your advocates and specialists, trained to help you with the application process. The federal law known as HIPAA prevents us from using your information for any other purposes. In other words, we protect your confidentiality just like your health plan does.

Is my health plan changing? Is this a new policy?
No. This is a complimentary service offered by your health plan. Your health plan does not want to lose you as a valuable customer.  Under the Medicare Savings Program, you remain with your current health plan and you continue to enjoy the same services and benefits.

How do I know this is legitimate?
We understand that this is a program that may sound “too good to be true.” We can assure you this is not the case. Here at PremiumAssist, we have been helping people enroll in this program since 1998.

We encourage you to contact your health plan and verify that we were hired by them.
Additionally, PremiumAssist and our parent company, Centauri Health Solutions, are members of the Better Business Bureau.

What else can you do for me?
Helping our community is vital to us! From extra help with prescription costs to housing and utility assistance, we have the resources to guide you to the help you may need.

Social Service+

What is Social Service+?
Social Service+ is a social service referral and support program that your Medicare Advantage Health Plan has coordinated through Centauri Health Solutions to make available to you.  Utilizing a social determinants of health (SDoH) assessment model, Social Service+ (SS+) assists Medicare Advantage plan members by conducting an assessment, identifying local resources to solve problems, providing those resources to you, assisting you in connecting with those local services and following up with you to make sure you have received the services needed.

How can you help me? 
Utilizing two web-based tools, SS+ Specialists will screen and assess your needs to identify likely local/state/federal benefits eligibility and identify other needs that can be met  from community social service organizations.

What kind of programs will you refer me to? 
Assisting you to determine likely eligibility for benefits and entitlements is only one part of the solution to a problem of financial, environment and/or social insecurity. Directing and helping you to locate assistance from within your local community is at the heart of the service provided by Social Service+. Based on an individual assessment, we frequently refer members in need to Food Pantries, Home Delivered Meals, Senior Case Management Agencies, Subsidized Transportation agencies, etc.

Are you going to be providing the services to me? 
SS+ Specialists provide you with verbal and written information about eligibility and application processes, support direct access to benefit enrollment and community programs to meet life challenges as defined within models of Social Determinants of Health.

Will you be completing applications for me?
While completing the actual application remains your responsibility, the SS+ Specialist will help guide you with direct connections to local community support agencies. Our Specialists will continue to call you to check in on how the application submission is going. We are dedicated to making sure we are helping as much as possible so that you may receive the benefits/services needed.